This website is an interactive academic 
tool for CEA-UNH course: Gay Paris:

CEA GlobalCampus | Fall 2008
UNH Course Code: GEN230
Credits: 3 | Location: Paris, France

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Notes on Barriers to Women and Loving

Scratching the Surface: Some Notes on Barriers to Women and Loving
_Audre Lorde

"Racism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one race over all others and thereby the right to dominance.

Sexism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one sex and thereby the right to dominance.

Heterosexism: The belief in the inherent superiority of one pattern of loving and thereby its right to dominance.

Homophobia: The fear of feelings of love for members of one's own sex and therefore the hatred of those feelings in others.

The above forms of human blindness stem from the same root - an inability to recognize the notion of difference as a dynamic human force, one which is enriching rather than threatening to the defined self, when there are shared goals." (p. 45)

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