This website is an interactive academic 
tool for CEA-UNH course: Gay Paris:

CEA GlobalCampus | Fall 2008
UNH Course Code: GEN230
Credits: 3 | Location: Paris, France

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sundance and Prop 8

Why is the Sundance Film Festival taking place in the Hate State of Utah, by blogger John Aravosis, was the first to call for a boycott of Sundance. His issues are aimed at the Mormon Church in general, and specificall one donor, Brent Andrus, who apparently owns many Marriott hotels in the state.

The general concensus is that a boycott of Sundance is unlikely. If it does happen, the effect will be minimal.

1 comment:

libhom said...

I have blocked the Sundance Channel on my cable and it will stay blocked until the festival moves out of Utah. There is no way to hold a major event in the Hate State without financing racist, sexist, and homophobic discrimination and violence.